The Climax

It’s time to say we are done. We’ve officially finished and have had everything done to the best detail. And we also have had the chance to learn the best way to edit scenes for our film. This was a great opportunity for us to learn and we grasped it with full strength. And learned awesome skills form it.

In The Lab

Today we were in the lab, trying to reminisce on our film moments. To reflect on our answers. For today we figured out what’s he best way to advertise our movie and pick the correct audiences. Also how I gained important knowledge on my camera skills. Especially with the settings, like with effects and angles. Which was very important for our film to capture the tone and moods of our film

The Final Scenes

Today we finished recording everything. We got the most important parts done without any flaws. Now we have to edit the shots and form our masterpiece. The hardest part of recording today was getting the lighting correct due to the time restrictions we had. Because it may have been too dark to actually film and capture the cinematic view. But We managed to get it through and do it efficiently.

Our Time Isn’t Now

This weekend we didn’t schedule to record our blockbuster opening. The film locations have been recreated for the scene as of yesterday. The characters have also practiced their roles for the film. Understanding their characters persona and attitudes.  Now we  are still on schedule to record our film

*Record Scratch*

There have been a lot of recent events lately. We have done a lot since the last time I was in here. Me and my group members went out and bought clothing to fit the persona of each characters role. Also acquiring handcuffs and this resulted in us having a very productive day. But sadly we didn’t have any scheduling for recording. So we don’t have any footage yet.

The first day In The Shop

The first day back in the lab, my group members and I have done every detail of our planning from the footstep to the background characters actions. Sadly we didn’t plan on recording today due to our clashing schedules. We had to schedule our recording to a later date because of the fact that we all had to plan ahead. Hopefully the next time you hear for me you will hear about our great story. Which will unfold a series of events that are completely unexpected.